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Advanced DeFi and TradeFi Solutions

Discover the future of financial technology with our advanced DeFi and TradeFi solutions.Our bespoke platforms seamlessly merge decentralized finance (DeFi) with traditional finance (TradeFi), providing efficient, transparent, and secure financial solutions for our clients. Empowering both businesses and their consumers, we grant access to a global financial network that transcends conventional banking methods. Experience the flawless integration and reliable innovation of TFSF, transforming your platforms and ideas into vibrant, dynamic entities.

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Company Values,

That Defines Us

TFSF was born from a collaborative effort among multiple companies, all driven by the goal to advance the Trade-Fi and De-Fi solutions sector. Our operations are organized into three specialized divisions: TFSF focuses on cultivating partnerships and managing relationships; Unboundtek is entrusted with development in all its facets; and our newest addition, TFSF Pulse, is pioneering Global Gateway solutions that are transforming traditional merchant processing by enabling BTC payments for both physical and online transactions.

At the heart of our mission lies a relentless pursuit of innovation and technological enhancement in the financial industry. We stand at the forefront of DeFi and TradeFi innovations, dedicating ourselves to leading the evolution of finance on a global scale. Our ambition is to bridge traditional finance with the decentralized market seamlessly, equipping our clients with the essential tools for efficient international operations. Our unique solutions provide comprehensive gateway services and processing capabilities, including Visa and MasterCard issuing programs, all bolstered by tailor-made software solutions to ensure security, speed, and efficiency in each transaction. Through our dedication, we are setting new benchmarks for what's possible in finance, inviting businesses to explore the vast growth opportunities within the digital financial landscape.

Together, we are navigating towards a financial future that promises greater inclusivity, accessibility, and boundless potential.

Redefining Financial Futures

Our vision is to redefine the financial ecosystem by leveraging groundbreaking technologies that democratize access to financial services for individuals and businesses worldwide. We aim to build a future where DeFi and TradeFi seamlessly converge, creating an inclusive, efficient, and transparent financial world. Through our innovations, we envision empowering our clients to achieve unparalleled growth and success, making the most advanced financial tools accessible to all. By constantly pushing the boundaries of what is possible, we are committed to leading the charge towards a more equitable and prosperous global financial landscape.

Innovating Financial Horizons

Looking to the future, we envision a financial landscape unbound by geographical limits, rigid bank schedules, or slow transactions. Our leadership in merging DeFi with TradeFi aims to catapult liquidity, efficiency, and global access to new heights. We're banking on blockchain to revolutionize financial dealings - making them quicker, more open, and safer than ever. Through strategic partnerships and tech advancements, we're continuously enhancing our offerings to stay on the forefront of financial innovation. Our commitment lies in empowering clients, promoting financial inclusivity, and shaping a digitized, decentralized financial world. Together, we're crafting a future where the global economy is more integrated and capable, poised to tackle the challenges of tomorrow.

Advancing Financial Solutions

Over the next four years, our mission is to elevate our services, providing our clients with unmatched advantages. We will initiate our plan by broadening DeFi and TradeFi integrations, offering access to an expanded spectrum of financial markets in the first year. In the second year, our goal is to enhance our global payment gateway services, significantly improving the efficiency of international transactions. The third year is dedicated to bolstering transaction security and cutting processing times in half through advanced software enhancements. Simultaneously, we will refine our Visa and MasterCard issuing programs by introducing new partners and features. Our final year aims to extend digital finance access to underserved regions, fostering global financial inclusion. Throughout this journey, our commitment remains to support our clients' businesses' sustainable growth, tackling both current and future financial challenges with ground-breaking solutions.

Discover Our

Comprehensive Suite of Features

Revolutionizing Finance: Bridging DeFi and TradeFi for a Seamless Global Economy

Unified Platforms

Leverage our streamlined interfaces to access both Decentralized Finance (DeFi) and Traditional Finance (TradeFi), or choose a bespoke, custom-built solution tailored from scratch for seamless transactions across various financial sectors and verticals.

Advanced Security

All of our technology incorporates advanced cybersecurity protocols to safeguard your users' financial transactions against unauthorized access and security risks. You can have peace of mind knowing that your users' sensitive information is protected at all times..

Advanced Analytics

Our platforms offer advanced analytics for improved decision-making and client satisfaction. Designed for essential reporting, our tools ensure broad data access, highlighting our commitment to leveraging technology and data analysis for our clients.

Worldwide Reach

Tap into a global market, offering extensive opportunities for growth beyond geographical boundaries. Ensure your clients have the necessary tools to transfer funds swiftly, moving at your pace rather than the slow speeds of the 20th century.

Maximize Efficiency and Streamline Your Financial Operations with Our Comprehensive DeFi and TradeFi Solutions!

Unlock unparalleled efficiency and streamline your financial operations with our comprehensive suite of DeFi and TradeFi solutions! Our platforms are designed to seamlessly integrate the world of decentralized finance with traditional financial systems, providing you with the tools to navigate and succeed in today's dynamic economic landscape. With our robust security measures, innovative tools, and global connectivity, you're equipped to make smarter, faster financial decisions.  Join us and transform your financial transactions into strategic opportunities for growth and success!


Utilize card issuing to broaden market reach and enhance consumer engagement.


Optimize and maximize operational efficiency in managing decentralized financial systems.


Harness global network connectivity to leverage strategic financial opportunities worldwide.


Transform financial transactions into opportunities for growth and success.


Seamlessly integrate DeFi and TradFi solutions for enhanced financial operations.


Robust security measures to protect and navigate dynamic economic landscapes.

Transform Your Business with

DeFi Software Solutions

Elevate your business to unprecedented levels with our unmatched security, lightning-fast speeds, and unparalleled efficiency in the digital transaction arena. Step into the future with us and transform the way you do business, unlocking new financial possibilities and soaring to new heights!

Worldwide Scalability

Our services transcend borders, providing a truly global reach for businesses looking to expand their operations. With our solutions, merchants can seamlessly transact and operate in any part of the world, without worrying about currency conversions or financial regulations.

Custom Wallet Development

Develop secure and user-friendly digital wallets that support multiple cryptocurrencies and integrate with a range of DeFi platforms, enhancing user engagement and facilitating smooth transaction processes.

Bespoke Blockchain Solutions

Tailored blockchain development services to meet your DeFi project's needs, from smart contract creation and auditing to full DApp development, ensuring secure, robust, and scalable solutions.

Integration Expertise

Seamless integration of DeFi technologies into existing financial systems, providing businesses with the agility to adapt to the rapidly evolving digital finance landscape while maintaining high security and compliance standards.

Bespoke Blockchain Solutions

Enhance your financial strategy with our customized cryptocurrency loan solutions. Users can choose their collateral cryptocurrency, loan currency, and loan-to-value ratio to meet their goals. Our flexible approach allows them to repay the principal plus interest and reclaim their collateral at their convenience. Discover new financial flexibility with our software, empowering users to maximize the potential of their digital assets.

Transforming Software Solutions

Our tailored software solutions transform your business. Whether you need a custom-built creation or enhanced existing processes with our white label technology, we elevate your operation. Our commitment to innovation ensures your business meets and sets industry standards. Partner with us for a seamless transition into the digital future, where your vision drives our success.

White Label Service Solutions

Our white label solutions provide a quick, cost-effective way to expand your services without heavy R&D costs. Rebrand our proven software as your own to offer enhanced value effortlessly. This accelerates time-to-market for new features, ensures reliability, and provides scalability with our support and updates. Tailor your offerings to market demands, boosting your competitive edge and customer satisfaction.

Smart Contract Solutions

Unlock the future of finance with our smart contract development for Ethereum and Polygon networks! Enjoy a global merchant gateway with enhanced processing, unparalleled security, swift transaction speeds, and unmatched efficiency. Manage modern finance intricacies effortlessly with our sophisticated services, designed to help you excel in the fast-changing digital economy.

Market-Ready Crypto Wallets

Our crypto white label wallets offer top-tier security and user-friendly designs. Launch custom-branded wallets quickly to stay competitive. Designed for all users, our wallets support various cryptocurrencies with features like real-time tracking, secure storage, and seamless trading. Choose our wallets to provide dependable digital asset management and solidify your position as fintech pioneers. Contact us to learn more.

DeFi Consulting Solutions

Enhance your financial strategy with our expert fintech consulting. We offer bespoke solutions tailored to your needs, leveraging the latest in financial technology. Whether it's blockchain integration, smart contracts, or digital wallets, our experts guide you. Partner with us to unlock opportunities, streamline operations, and excel in the evolving financial landscape. Stay ahead with our commitment to excellence.

Empower Your Transactions with

TradeFi Solutions

Experience unparalleled security, speed, and efficiency as you navigate the evolving landscape of digital transactions. Join us on the journey to redefine financial possibilities and elevate your business to new heights!

Global Payment Solutions

Our secure payment gateway enables swift, secure, and efficient transactions worldwide, ensuring seamless operational flows for businesses of all sizes. It supports both traditional and Bitcoin payments, facilitating a broad range of financial transactions.

Custom Financial Services

Providing tailored financial solutions that cater to the unique needs of our clients, from SMEs to large enterprises, ensuring their growth and operational excellence in the competitive market.

Blockchain Integrations

Merging traditional financial systems with decentralized finance (DeFi) to offer innovative, blockchain-powered financial solutions, enhancing security, transparency, and efficiency.

Visa and Mastercard Program

Through partnerships with multiple global entities, we offer comprehensive Visa and MasterCard issuing programs. This enables our clients to access a vast market by offering trusted and universally accepted payment solutions.

Comprehensive Financial Solutions

Innovative Services for Global Financial Integration

Bespoke Applications

Grounded in forward-looking ideals, we craft bespoke fintech solutions, driven by the mantra: if you can conceive it, we can create it. Whether it's a groundbreaking mobile banking app, a robust blockchain payment system, or AI-driven investment algorithms, we exceed expectations, setting new industry standards.

Global Card Issuing Solutions Crypto to Fiat

Amplify your global footprint with our Visa and MasterCard card programs, seamlessly tailored to your objectives. Our proven method ensures effortless approval for sub-accounts and private labels, offering diverse options for your clientele. Partnering with us connects you to Visa and MasterCard's robust infrastructure, enhancing your brand's global presence.

Multi Currency IBAN and SWIFT

Empower your users with global banking capabilities through our interconnected partner network. Seamlessly integrate IBAN accounts, ensuring everyday banking with international reach. Funds are safeguarded in segregated accounts with esteemed institutions like HSBC and DBS, while SEPA and SWIFT rails provide local and international transaction capabilities.

Digital Wallets

Experience effortless financial management with our digital wallet platform, designed to empower clients securely and efficiently. Enjoy unparalleled security and user-friendliness, managing payments, transfers, and assets seamlessly. Our blockchain dedication ensures every transaction is secure and transparent, streamlining financial life for clients, anytime, anywhere.


Streamline operations and build trust with our KYC/KYB integration solutions. Our robust API seamlessly incorporates KYC/KYB checks into any application, ensuring a secure, compliant user experience. Quickly onboard customers and businesses while meeting regulatory standards, fostering trust-based relationships.

Global Payment Standards, SPEI, CHAPS, PIX, ACH

Boost your business with our payment integration services, offering diverse methods tailored for existing and new applications. Simplify payments, expand market presence, and meet customer preferences securely. Benefit from improved satisfaction, quicker transactions, and new revenue opportunities while upholding security and compliance. Transform your payment processing approach for global success.